30 years outlining your projects
30 years is the time that EMAC® has been outlining dreams, and the past weekend from the 15th to the 17th of September it was cellebrated in a Convention like they deserve, counting with the presence of friends, clients and collaborators in the household, becouse reaching 30 years is a landmark in the proffessional development of any Company.
The event took place at the Spa Hotel Las Arenas where attended more than 100 guests from different nationalities and different places all around the wold, whom moreover, made the most of the weekend and enjoyed the sun and gastronomy of Valencia.
The opening in the morning act was by the hand of Mr. José Vicente Mora, President of the Chamber of Commerce, Industry and Navigation of Valencia, who wanted to award Mr. Boix with a commemorative present for these 30 years; And Laura Grande, journalist and family friend, was in charge of guiding and presenting the event.
Following its oppening, the event continued with a touching interview to the Executive management of the EMAC® Group: Emi, Laura and Nuria, in which all the guests were able to know in depth how have been these 30 years for them, and to meet three close and united sisters with the proffessionality that has always distinguished them.
Emi and Nuria Boix pointed out the reasons for the good progress of the Company and explained which are the strategic goals of the Group for the next years, based mainly in continuing betting on the brand, and pushing the innovation of the product as well as administration and management softwares, and of course, to position us in prescription.
The ceremony was useful as well to introduce the participants some projects and activities coordinated by Laura Boix, co-executive of EMAC Group, like the compromise in the Social Corporative Responsibility, due to one of the characteristic signs of the Company is the interest for people and Social responsibility.
Jose Luis Llavata, who after his many years at Emac decided to take the leap and run the american subsidiary in Miami, had some gratitude words as well. In the same way, Jessica Friggieri, who after accumulating some years of experience at the italian subsidiary in Sassuolo has become its new Gerenal Director. Both took the occasion to thank all the Emac team that suround them and support them with their compromise, effort and daily work.
After a small break, the guests were able to enjoy the explanation of Alejandro Bataller and Carlos Muñoz, Marketing & Product Managers, who offered a team-motivation talk. It was followed by Tomás Guillem, recognised consultant and collaborator in the company, who underlined the right way to take nowadays and the trends of the market.
Finaly, the event was closed with an emotional and warm homage to Mr. Juan José Boix in which the three sisters as well as Mrs. Boix wanted to thank him for having founded EMAC, becouse “there is no end without a beginning”.
After the event in the morning, the guests enjoyed a work-meal at a restaurant by the sea, followed by a visit to the main headquarters of EMAC at Quart de Poblet. There, the participants, could know first-hand the huge stock that EMAC keeps in order to offer an excellent service and could see working our intelligent warehouse and the R&D center, among others.
The acts of this great celebration ended up with a formal dinner in the “Museo del Carmen” acompanied by a stringed quartet, where the guests enjoyed a lovely evening event in a wonderful enviroment, unique and unbeatable to share experiences with friends, clients and partners.
With this in Style celebration, EMAC wanted to thank its collaborators and friends for their wonderful work during these 30 years. Now we only need to thank you all for making possible this professional trip that we hope lives on for so many years.