EMAC® Group promotes universal accessibility and safety in León's commerce

At EMAC® Grupo, we are deeply committed to promoting sustainability and accessibility in all sectors. We are pleased to have participated in the event "Commerce: Accessibility and Neuromarketing," organized by the León Trade Association (ALECO). During the event, our expert colleagues Ángel Antonio Cobo Portalo and Ricardo Oltra gave a presentation at the Official College of Architects of León (COAL), highlighting innovative solutions to create accessible commercial spaces for everyone.
Ángel Antonio Cobo Portalo delivered a presentation focused on constructive solutions for accessible commerce, which was also broadcast online, reaching a large number of virtual attendees interested in universal accessibility.
You can watch the training session at the following link:
"EMAC® ASU Challenge": Raising Awareness Through Experience
As part of the event, we set up our "ASU CHALLENGE" awareness circuit in the courtyard of the College, where attendees experienced firsthand the importance of accessibility in public spaces. Even the mayor of León, José Antonio Diez Díaz, participated in this activity.
The ASU Challenge has traveled to various cities across Spain, offering an immersive experience where participants put themselves in the shoes of a blind person. With the aid of a cane, podotactile signaling, and wearing a blindfold, they completed a course that allowed them to reflect on the importance of creating an accessible environment for everyone.

EMAC® Grupo, committed to inclusion
At EMAC® Grupo, we continue working to create more inclusive spaces, ensuring that commercial design meets the needs of all people. We are proud to have contributed to such a meaningful event that promotes universal accessibility and social awareness.
We thank all the participants and organizers for allowing us to be part of this initiative.
One step closer to an accessible world for everyone!