Privacy policy
EMAC COMPLEMENTOS S.L. is especially sensitive to the protection of personal data of the users of this website's services. Through this Privacy Policy (hereinafter, the Policy) EMAC COMPLEMENTOS S.L. informs users of the website: regarding the uses to which their personal data, gathered on this website, will be subjected, so that they may decide, freely and voluntarily, if they wish to provide the requested information.
EMAC COMPLEMENTOS S.L. reserves the right to modify this Policy with the aim of adapting it to legislative changes, jurisprudential criteria, sector practices, or the entity's interests. Any modification to the latter will be announced with sufficient notice in order that users may have full knowledge of such content.
The party responsible for processing this private data is:
EMAC COMPLEMENTOS S.L., with its business domicile for the purpose at Av. Madrid 6, apdo. postal 46, 46930 Quart de Poblet, Valencia, Spain.
Tel. (+34) 961 532 200
EMAC AMERICA, L.L.C., with its business domicile for the purpose at 1970 NW 129 Avenue, Unit# 103,Miami, FL 33182, USA.
Tel. #(305) 406 1593
EMAC ITALIA, S.R.L., with its business domicile for the purpose at Via Emilia Romagna, 104, 41049 Sassuolo (Mo), Italy.
Tel. #(305) 406 1593
Your data will be processed by EMAC COMPLEMENTOS, S.L., in its capacity as the party responsible for processing such data, for the purpose of administrating and attending to information requests, queries, complaints, canvassing users' opinions, regarding the services offered by this website, as well as sending information of interest on our company's new promotions, products, services or activities.
The legal basis that legitimises the processing of your personal data is the consent given by the user through the completion and sending of the corresponding form, for the purposes stated above.
Your personal data will not be passed to third parties, except in such cases as are foreseen under current legislation.
The personal data will be stored for such time as required to fulfil the communication's purpose and, where applicable, for the time during which no opposition to the sending of commercial notifications has been stated.
Likewise, we hereby inform you that, at any time, the interested party of the personal data may exercise his/her attendant rights, pursuant to the General Data Protection Regulation (EU) 2016/679, which are:
- Right to request access to personal data relating to the interested party,
- Right to request its rectification or deletion,
- Right to request a limitation on its processing,
- Right to challenge such processing,
- Right to transfer the data
These rights may be exercised by sending a duly signed, written request, accompanied by a photocopy of your national identity document, to EMAC COMPLEMENTOS, S.L., Av. Madrid 6, apdo. postal 46, 46930 Quart de Poblet, Valencia, Spain, or to the email address: In the event you consider your right to the protection of your personal data has been violated, you can make a complaint to the Spanish Data Protection Agency (
You are hereby informed that your personal data will be processed by EMAC COMPLEMENTOS, S.L., in its capacity as party responsible for processing, the aim of which is to send you information of interest on our company's new promotions, services or activities.
The legal basis that legitimises the processing of your personal data, for the purpose stated, is the consent given by the user through the completion and sending of the online form.
These data will not be transferred or communicated to third parties, except in necessary cases developing, control and fulfilment of the stated aims, in addition to the cases foreseen by law, as well as in specific cases, about which the user will be expressly notified.
The personal data are stored until your withdrawal of consent.
Likewise, we hereby inform you that, at any time, the interested party of the personal data may exercise his/her attendant rights, pursuant to the General Data Protection Regulation (EU) 2016/679, which are:
- Right to request access to personal data relating to the interested party,
- Right to request its rectification or deletion,
- Right to request a limitation on its processing,
- Right to challenge such processing,
- Right to transfer the data
These rights may be exercised by sending a duly signed, written request, accompanied by a photocopy of your national identity document, to EMAC COMPLEMENTOS, S.L., Av. Madrid 6, apdo. postal 46, 46930 Quart de Poblet, Valencia, Spain, or to the email address: In the event you consider your right to the protection of your personal data has been violated, you can make a complaint to the Spanish Data Protection Agency (
Your personal data, collected in the form to register as a user/customer of the website, are processed by EMAC COMPLEMENTOS, S.L. in its capacity as party responsible for processing, for the purpose of managing customers on an administrative, accounting, fiscal and documentary level, performing market studies to gauge the quality of our products and services, through satisfaction surveys, as well as sending information of interest on our company's new promotions, services or activities.
The legal basis that legitimises the processing of your personal data for the purpose of managing customers is the consent given by the user through the completion and sending of the corresponding form. Nevertheless, the basis for legitimation of sending commercial notifications is the entering into of an agreement in which the interested party is one party.
The data may be transferred or communicated, where applicable, to bank entities to make collections or payments, as well as at the requirement of the Tax Office, courts or tribunals, as well as other EMAC Group companies.
The period of data conservation, as a customer, will be pursuant to the obligations concerning the company's accounting and fiscal information, at the requirement of the competent public entity (Tax Office, courts or tribunals).
Likewise, we hereby inform you that, at any time, the interested party of the personal data may exercise his/her attendant rights, pursuant to the General Data Protection Regulation (EU) 2016/679, which are:
- Right to request access to personal data relating to the interested party,
- Right to request its rectification or deletion,
- Right to request a limitation on its processing,
- Right to challenge such processing,
- Right to transfer the data
These rights may be exercised by sending a duly signed, written request, accompanied by a photocopy of your national identity document, to EMAC COMPLEMENTOS, S.L., Av. Madrid 6, apdo. postal 46, 46930 Quart de Poblet, Valencia, Spain, or to the email address: In the event you consider your right to the protection of your personal data has been violated, you can make a complaint to the Spanish Data Protection Agency (
You are hereby informed that your personal data, collected through the form available on the website, will be processed by EMAC COMPLEMENTOS, S.L., in its capacity as party responsible for processing, for the purpose of managing employment applications and, where applicable, the selection process, in which they may be included, to provide a job with the entity.
The data are processed based on consent given via the sending of a résumé to the form provided on the website, whether personally or through a third party.
Except when you exercise your rights to cancel or oppose such data, the résumé may be stored for the entity's future job selection processes, in the field of your academic and/or professional training.
In any case, EMAC COMPLEMENTOS, S.L., accepts no responsibility for the lack of truth or current nature of the information provided. Likewise, it reserves the right to delete or destroy the information it may hold in its files, at any time and with no prior notice. For such purposes, it will adopt the pertinent measures to hinder restoration or recovery of the data by third parties. The data will be transferred or communicated to other EMAC Group companies and, where applicable, in the cases foreseen by law.
Likewise, we hereby inform you that, at any time, the interested party of the personal data may exercise his/her attendant rights, pursuant to the General Data Protection Regulation (EU) 2016/679, which are
- Right to request access to personal data relating to the interested party,
- Right to request its rectification or deletion,
- Right to request a limitation on its processing,
- Right to challenge such processing,
- Right to transfer the dat
These rights may be exercised by sending a duly signed, written request, accompanied by a photocopy of your national identity document, to EMAC COMPLEMENTOS, S.L., Av. Madrid 6, apdo. postal 46, 46930 Quart de Poblet, Valencia, Spain, or to the email address: In the event you consider your right to the protection of your personal data has been violated, you can make a complaint to the Spanish Data Protection Agency (
The party responsible for processing (EMAC COMPLEMENTOS, S.L.) will apply suitable technical and organisational means to guarantee a security level appropriate to the risk.