Structural joints
The constructive elements require the installation of expansion joints to reduce the effects of thermal variation, wind... The C.T.E (Spanish Technical Building Code) demand their placement so that there are no continuous elements more than 40 m lenght.
Novojunta Pro® is a wide range of solutions for structural jonts that absorb expansion and contraction movements and prevent from cracking. They are ideal for big constructions (malls, parkings, airports...) and most of them are delivered ready to install.
Movement joint profiles
Ceramic laying must go together with expansion joint placing. Joints are discontinuous elements which allow dilatation and contraction flooring movements and they avoid both tension and damages that may occur due to thermal changes, and prevent the appearance of concrete cracks.
The selection of the correct model of Novojunta®, should take the following aspects in consideration: flooring material, thermal changes that the flooring will be exposed to and placing distance between joints. The placements of joints is recommended in areas not larger than 25 to 30 sqm and with sides not longer than 5-6m.
The Novotapajunta profiles are a simple and decorative solution to protect and hide structural and expansion joints on fl oors, walls or ceilings. They are made of aluminium and stainless steel, and are the ideal solution for places with high traffi c like malls, hospitals, airports, etc.
The architectural knowledge, over the years, has led to a growing demand for structural joint solution that is suitable for different environments.
The thermal variations or the risk that the seismic zones suffer, among others, make it necessary to create bigger structural dimensions.
Fire barrier systems
The firestop expansion joint systems aim to get tightness against flames, hot or flammable gases in expansion joints, which are normally a critic point. These systems try to avoid the chimney effect between construction elements, both horizontally and vertically. Their correct performance has been certified with tests carried out at european laboratories.
The combination of the firestop cords with their complements allow to get up to 2-4 hours of fire resistance.
Retracting joints
During the curing process, concrete loses moisture and reduces its volume, which generates internal tensions that cause cracking on the surface. The aim of this range of profile is avoiding the uncontrolled cracking by generating a controlled crack along the profile.
The installation of these profiles is also useful as a guide and to avoid the typical cut and sealing works, assuming savings.
EMAC® Group offers the construction sector a useful, efficient, augmented reality tool for selecting and prescribing its Structural Joints System before saving to its memory.
BuildingEye® system
BuildingEye® system is an advanced technological solution for monitoring the structural health of buildings.