Know a little more about us, our company values, solidarity projects which we support, and where our offices are located.
Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs)
EMAC® Group supports the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), a universal call to action to end poverty, protect the planet and improve people’s lives and prospects worldwide. They involve taking action on climate change, education, women’s equality, environmental protection and the design of our cities.
We, as a company, are committed to this and to the belief that the company should not only fulfil the economic function of earning profits, creating wealth and generating employment. It must also sustainably and inclusively pursue this goal by seeking to improve people’s lives, preserve the planet and attain a more prosperous, socially aware society.
EMAC® Group has integrated these SDGs into our strategy and environment. This transition towards sustainability is a challenge for us and meanwhile a great opportunity to make a positive impact and improve economically, socially and environmentally.
Some examples of actions and contributing to the SDGs:
• We target certain SDGs such as End Poverty, Zero Hunger, Quality Education, Health and Well-being, and Gender Equality through our CSR policy. In these areas, we have been collaborating for many years with entities including Fundación Vicente Ferrer, Casa Ronald McDonald, Fundación Pequeño Deseo, Tatami Rugby Club Valencia, Centro Ocupacional Quart de Poblet, APIVAL, AFACO and Fundación Once.
• Examples of contributing to the Decent Work and Economic Growth SDG include implementing teleworking in some positions, flexitime, intensive working hours in summer and every Friday, and more.
• We have made our website accessible and host a Universal Accessibility and Safety (UAS) challenge to raise awareness of accessible and inclusive construction while supporting Fundación ONCE’s work. These actions enable us to contribute to the Reducing Inequalities SDG.
• We replaced plastic bottles for water consumption with a reusable INOX bottle, thereby reducing plastic consumption. We have recycling bins around the company’s different areas and we recycle storage boxes as well as having reduced the office’s paper consumption. This allows us to progress in our Responsible Consumption and Production SDG.
• We contribute to the Sustainable Cities and Communities SDG through Sustainable Construction, with measures such as:
- Collaborating with companies that use harmless products and raw materials in their production process, avoiding environmental risks both in transport and manufacture.
- Developing innovative products that do not harm the environment.
- Maintaining ongoing research into new processes and materials.
- Offering the widest range of 100% natural wood profiles on the market, a totally sustainable raw material.
- Thanks to our research, we developed our MAXI material, exclusive to EMAC®. It incorporates natural fibres from recycling organic agricultural waste, allowing us to obtain highly resistant, stable profiles that look stunningly unique.
Our sustainability strategy also includes our subsidiaries in Italy and the US. Furthermore, we have a Sustainability Committee made up of staff from all areas of the company, who are responsible for collaboratively developing and implementing the different actions. Anyone in the company can propose sustainability actions and then the committee itself decides by voting on the priority actions to be implemented.
Pequeño Deseo Foundation

As part of our commitment to improve health, EMAC® Group participates in the Fundación Pequeño Deseo (“Small Wishes Foundation”). This is a non-profit organisation, which makes the wishes of children with chronic illnesses or poor medical prognoses come true. As well as providing emotional support, we humanise the hospital, helping their stay to be more bearable in this complicated time.
Fulfilling a wish helps the children fundamentally to distance themselves temporarily from their illness. It generates positive emotions that last for several months. We strive to bring enthusiasm and joy to these children as part of their treatment.
Ronald McDonald House in Valencia

Ronald McDonald House in Valencia is one of the 357 houses that the Ronald McDonald Children’s Foundation operates around the world. Ronald McDonald Houses strive to provide normality and improve family reconciliation for those families with long-stay hospitalised children. In this way, the aim is to reduce the trauma that this fact can cause for children, family and friends, as well as reduce economic costs and provide a new "home away from home" that reflects daily life.
EMAC® Group collaborates with the Ronald McDonald Children's Foundation that builds, manages and maintains these houses located near pediatric hospitals since 1997.
Vicente Ferrer Foundation

Since 2004, EMAC® joins the great effort of the Vicente Ferrer Foundation for trying to eradicate poverty and the inequalities of one of the poorest of India, Anantapur.
EMAC® Group each year finances the construction of housing and schools to make possible families of Anantapur have decent housing and their children to enjoy a proper education.
Quart de Poblet Occupational Centre

EMAC® Group is fully committed to Social Integration. This is why it collaborates with the Quart de Poblet Occupational Centre, a centre for people with Intellectual Disabilities managed by the Francisco Esteve Intermunicipal Trust.
This is a key centre in the sector known for its innovation and work methodologies with people with intellectual disabilities, facilitating their social and employment integration, treating them as what they are: citizens with full rights.
Some of our sample folder displays are made in collaboration with the centre. We thereby contribute to training these people, promoting their capacity for effort, teamwork and concentration. This improves both their self-esteem and self-confidence.
ONCE Fundation

The main objective of Fundación ONCE is to carry out job-training integration and employment programs for persons with disabilities, and global accessibility, promoting the creation of environments, products and services that are globally accessible.
EMAC® Group and Fundación ONCE join forces because It is the responsability of every stakeholder with decisionmaking power in the construction sector to foment and promote the use of such solutions. Only then can we build fairer and more inclusive societies for everybody.
The solutions to Universal Accessibility and Safety are many, and their application should not be limited to large projects. They should also extend to smaller installations like offices, shops and public buildings to ensure and provide any person's transit at any time.
Project Living Foundation

The Fundación Proyecto Vivir (“Project Living Foundation”) is a non-profit organisation that fights for women’s development, emancipation and empowerment, based on the principles of gender equality and social justice. The organisation builds transformative experiences by supporting women who are in a situation of greater vulnerability, who due to the aggravating factor of gender, find it impossible to effectively exercise their rights.
In these processes of change, the ultimate aim of which is women’s real insertion into society and employment, the organisation offers comprehensive, human, personalised support.
At EMAC® Group we are thrilled to help the people who come there to meet their basic needs, whether those are hygiene, food, health, education, or other requirements.
APIVAL Laboral Integration

The Interdisciplinary Professional Association of Valencia (APIVAL) is an entity made up of professionals dedicated to the social and labour insertion of disabled persons and / or dependents. The project has a wide variety of proposals, modalities and activities with the aim to promote the democratic and participatory principles of these groups.
EMAC® Group collaborates with this association providing resources necessary for the full development of a wide variety of proposed actions.
From our beginnings and from our most humane touch we have always search for the social, labour and personal integration of all groups, because we care about people.

AFACO is a non-profit, with scope provincial and entity of Voluntariado.Representa people with functional diversity (intellectual disability) and their families.
EMAC® Group collaborates with this association with the objective of providing its members and their families a better quality of life. And we are confident that this goal can be only achieved if there is a real social inclusion, where every human being be accommodated, is respected and is equip you with the resources necessary for their full development.
Charity Valencian Asociation

EMAC® Group is part of the initiative, companies with value that allows the costs of House charity in its different areas. Through their own and managed (in Valencia, Torrent and Paterna) persons without resources can receive care for their basic needs, psychological help and encourage as far as possible their social reintegration.
Now more that we must never think in the future and continue the commitment to solidarity. The work must continue every day, and for this reason our participation and support must not cease.
Healthy Habits and Sport
Tatami Rugby Club Valencia

EMAC® Group has participated in the sponsorship of the Dean of Valencia Rugby club, managed by Matías Tudela and César Sempere, athletes who competed in JJOO Rio 2016. Both Managers know the excellent attributes Rugby Tatami Team has and they aspire to become one of Valencia team example.
In this sport traditionally great importance has been given to moral values and that's where we like to emphasize. From an early age are taught Rugby players a series of positive qualities, such as Fellowship, Union, Respect, Discipline, Commitment, Passion and Humility among many others.
Sustainable Construction

At EMAC® Group we are aware of the importance of striving towards a sustainable, environmentally friendly system. That is why we work with the following principles:
- We collaborate with companies that use harmless products and raw materials in the production process, avoiding environmental risks in both transport and manufacture.
- We develop innovative products that, furthermore, meet market requirements and comply with the regulations governing the sector. They do not harm the environment but help to protect and care for it.
- We are continuously researching new processes and materials that allow us to keep fulfilling our commitment.
We have the widest range of 100% natural wood profiles on the market, a fully sustainable raw material.
As a result of our research, we have developed the MAXI material, exclusive to EMAC®. It incorporates natural fibres from recycling organic agricultural waste. This allows us to obtain extremely tough, stable profiles that also look amazing.